Weakness WODs

So, there’s this thing I do when I suck at something.

I do more of it.

Novel idea. I honestly wish I could apply it to the rest of my life, but it seems that I mainly just approach Crossfit this way. Maybe I could fix a few of my shortcomings if I started thinking this way all the time… but I won’t promise myself anything. This goes back to my ‘Self-Undermining OCD’ idea and being obsessed with anything and everything that undermines my ability to achieve greatness. The less I try to force myself to do something the more likely it is to happen. So, I’ll think about it.

On that vein, I have an idea that, again, I will not promise myself I will stick to it, but I think it’s a good idea nonetheless. So here it is:

Weakness WODs

I already pretty much do this during open gym time at Crossfit Hillcrest (San Diego). Now I’m just deciding to give it a name, and to place slightly more mental emphasis on doing it. I will usually have a pre-drafted list of my Weaknesses before heading to the gym, and then I construct a workout out of them… or I just do them randomly, because I’m too scatterbrained to do them in some semblance of order. I’m the type of person who will run five minutes on the treadmill, then 20 minutes on the bike, 15 on the elliptical, and 10 more on the treadmill, just because I can’t ‘sit’ still for long enough to do just one of those for 50 minutes.

Admittedly, it would be much more efficient to go into it with a plan, so I think I will do that… plan, that is. The first step is getting down a comprehensive list of my weaknesses:

  1. BEING FAT (Paleo)
  2. Pushups (Strict Chest-to-Deck Tricep Style)
  3. Thrusters
  4. Toes to Bars
    1. Technique Practice
  5. Knees to Elbows
  6. Handstands & Handstand Pushups
    1. Handstands
    2. Negatives
    3. Strict Press
  7. Overhead Squats (covers Snatch)
    1. Bottom of the Squat Holds
    2. Sally
  8. Back Squats
    1. Bottom of the Squat Holds
    2. Sally
  9. Goblet Squats
  10. Ring Dips
  11. Double Unders
  12. Pistols
  13. Running
  14. Ring Pushups
  15. Butterfly Pullups
  16. Chest-to-Bar Pullups
  17. Box Jumps
  18. Wall Balls
  19. Planches
  20. Bar Muscle Ups
  21. Ring Muscle Ups

Things in Bold I can’t do at all.

This week’s workouts include:

  • Deadlifts
  • Handstand (Pushups)
  • Box Jumps
  • KB Swings
  • Double Unders
  • Pullups
  • Pushups
  • Squats

Sooo, what to do:

  • Pistols
  • OHS
  • Ring Dips
  • Pushups
  • Pullups


  1. 1 Set max reps Pullups (Dead Hang), 2 min rest
  2. 1 Set max reps Pullups (Kipping), 2 min rest
  3. 1 Set max reps Pullups (Butterfly), 2 min rest
  4. 1 Set max reps Pushups Chest-to-Deck, 10 min rest
  5. 12 minutes AMPAP (unbroken) – As Many Pistols as Possible
    1. Alternating Pistols starting with right leg (move to OHS once broken), record #
    2. 5 OHS @ 55lb
    3. 15 Second Ring Dip Hold

Record rounds completed as well.

Also… just a random note: I made a pizza sandwich today out of two slices, one sausage and one veggie… that’s Paleo right?