
Sending out a post-hiatus Hi!

It’s been a bit.

Life has exploded since my last post. Not like spontaneous combustion/death exploded. More like confetti exploded… or fireworks, from which you are standing a safe distance away. Generally just an innocuous and exciting explosion.

I was indeed accepted to volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters, a program which pairs you with an underprivileged ‘Little’, who you take out on the town and do activities with. So far we’ve gone to the zoo, the safari park, Barnes and Noble, and to the movies twice. I think we’ll start hitting up some discount book shops, so we can buy more books. We also want to start designing and sewing clothes of our own designs.

In other volunteering news, BIG volunteering news, I likely start as a Research Assistant for one of UCSD’s VA Hospital PTSD Research projects next week. This is HUGE… there will only be six people working on this project, and they usually only allow UCSD students to be Research Assistants. The only reason I have this opportunity is because my friend Howie is one of the Researchers (working on his PHD). I am a lucky ducky… and my boss, after a bit of needling, has finally agreed to allow me to work on the project. I want to be a Navy Psychiatrist, so this is an amazing opportunity for me.

Yet another thing I need to start doing is shadowing surgeons at the Naval Hospital, so that I can get some clinical time under my belt. Note to self… get on this.

Speaking of explosions… my waistline has not ceased to explode. I still weigh exactly the same as my last weighin (188lbs). At the very least, I’m maintaining, but it’s still disappointing for me and my Crossfit abilities. I have been taking far too much time off of Crossfit, mainly as a result of weekly destruction by Organic Chemistry I. I have a C in lecture right now (and an A in lab)… my exam next Thursday will make or break my grade. I simply wish I had more time… but I am one busy MoFo.

Volunteering: BBBS – 17 hours.

Exercise: ~1 hour per week.